Friday, March 19, 2010

A Bumpy Path

My baby is 2 years old. Well he's been 2 for two weeks now.

This is the first moment that I've really been able to sit down and reflect on the past year. Those of you that know us and what we have gone though know that the path hasn't always been smooth. Matter of fact we hit a few large pot holes.

It all started before his 1st Birthday, I knew that there was something a little "off" with our son. He wasn't crawling and didn't seem like he knew his surroundings. He didn't turn his head to noises and what few words he would say "MaaaMaaa" "DaaaaaDa" and "Hi" seemed to be lost somewhere. He no longer would wave bye bye, that too lost. Than at his first birthday party I was happy and saddened at the same time. I was overjoyed that we made it a year with no ER trips, no major illness, and all in all that I had an easy baby. The sadness came from seeing my best friend's baby boy who is 3 months younger than my son crawling and eating table food. Where as my little man was still having a hard time sitting up and eating baby food. I know that to compare your child to others is not right but there comes a time when you need to wake up and see the truth. I knew at his one year check up I needed to put my foot down and demand to be heard. I was heard but was told to wait till he was 18 months and that he was just a little behind. I waited and in that time my son started to crawl at 14 1/2 months but still no words crossed my son's lips. At his 18 month check up I was now worried that my son's crawl just wasn't right. All his weight was shifted to one side of his body as he pulled himself along and still no words found. That's the first time we heard that it could be the "A" word. Now at this point we are referred to Dr. Cammeron and Early On Intervention. After many hours of blood test, MRI's, hearing tests, meetings with the C.H.I.P.S program, and many more doctors appointments we have answers. On Jan 26th 2010 a day I'll never forget we were told our little angel has Autism. On top of that we were just told March 17th 2010 that our son also has Cerebral Palsy.

When I first heard each label my son was given I'll admit I was washed over with so many feelings, scared, mad, sad, but most of all hopeful. For now I see that my son is now walking and dancing around. There maybe no words yet but there is always hope for next year.


Alicia said...

:) He is so awesome!

Signe said...

He is awesome and so much more than the labels he has or will be given. Use the labels as a means to get him the help he needs - not to limit him. He has the best set of cheerleaders in the world and a parent's love and devotion can do wonders for any child. I really do understand how hard it is to hear that your child is going to have an extra challenge...and then another...and perhaps, another. It's not what you want to hear and can make you feel so very alone but from what I know about you, he will reach his full potential and that is all any of us can hope for our children,,,no matter how they are packaged.